“To keep the body in good health is a duty… Otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”
-Massage Therapy-
Treat yourself to a fully customizable 60, 90, 120 minute massage (Swedish, Neuromuscular or Deep Tissue Massage) complete with hot towels and/or therapy massage gun.
-ZEN Full Body Stretch-
Take the time for a 30-minute focused stretch or a 60-minute full-body stretch to help loosen up those trouble areas, therapy massage gun optional.
A gentle, relaxing practice using the Dr. Usui method, Reiki is based on the Universal life force (Chi). Available for 30 or 60-minute sessions.
Every BODY deserves a Massage!
Massage Therapy has been known to help:
- Reduce blood pressure and cardiovascular issues
- Fight insomnia
- Reduce adhesions in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments
- Promote better body posture
- Improve range of motion in the joints
- Clear metabolic waste due to inflammation
Gift Certificates
Corporate Chair Massage Available!
- 4607 Charlotte Highway Suite 16 Lake Wylie, SC 29710
- Zenergy4massage@gmail.com
- (803) 526-3550