REIKI is a Japanese word which means “Power joined with the Universal or Absolute Power”. 

“Rei”- Universal Life Force Energy

“Ki”- Chi or body energy.

Reiki is considered a system of healing that was rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui (1865-1926), a Japanese theologian whose mission was to find how Jesus healed. Dr. Usui spent years on his personal quest studying Christian texts, early Chinese and Sanskrit Buddhist texts to discover clues. 

After finding no answers through texts and interviews, Dr. Usui spent 21 days fasting on Kuri Yama (Holy Mountain). On the 21st day, he had a spiritual experience that revealed to him how to use the knowledge. Dr. Usui vowed to never let the knowledge be lost again.


Reiki can be used on specific muscles, organs, meridians, chakras and can be given to allow the body to choose where the body needs it the most. Reiki can be done through the clothing, with the hands being barely touching or even hovering over the recipient. 

My first experience with Reiki was to deal with a sore left shoulder. Skeptical at first, the practitioner gently laid her hands on my shoulder. People were coming into the room and being so relaxed, I couldn’t open my eyes to see who came in. Afterwards, my shoulder was pain free!

That session began my journey into Reiki.


  • Today, I let go of fear and anger. I will be peaceful.
  • Today, I need not worry. I will trust God.
  • Today, I will accept my many blessings and give thanks.
  • Today, I will do my work honestly and faithfully.
  • Today, I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing.